Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sky Nelson

This was filmed locally by a young musician/activist.  I thought he did a great job so wanted to pass it on.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Following God

I've been thinking about the people I knew during my time as an associate pastor in a charismatic church.  
People who were friends. 
People I laughed with... cried with... worshiped with.  
People who believe what they are told to believe, unable or unwilling to question authority. People who live in fear, even though they say "anything that is not of faith is sin".  
Is fear faith?
Is worry faith? 
Is looking to the government rather than God, faith?  

I am angry with them....I don't understand them...I wonder what the F@^* is wrong with them... 
And I remember..I laughed with them...cried with them.... worshiped with them.
What is it that made us go in seemingly opposite directions?
All of us following God....

Fr. Geoffrey Farrow

I had posted something else on this but I came across Fr Geoff's Blog and thought I should just post the link to his blog rather than news interviews and comments from other folks blogs.
Please check this out he is an amazing man
Just click on the title to open the blog.  I'm still getting used to adding links.