I haven't blogged about this for a while but it is on my mind. Sometimes writing helps me to process so if you aren't up to hearing (reading) it again then it would be best to ignore this post.
In March, I was invited to attend a meeting about the future of the church that I was asked to leave. The invitation came from a member of the diocesan staff who had heard my story. Because there are several churches that are a drain on the diocese, a committee was formed to assess and assist churches that were having severe financial problems. I don't mean financial assistance! I have heard that the church is no longer able to pay its bills, and the Priest in Charge (AKA Her Holiness) is now 1/4 time. I never thought that kicking out pledging members was a good idea but it seemed to be Her Holiness' answer for everything. When people are treated poorly, sometimes their friends who also pledge leave as well. The meeting is this coming Sunday and I am not going. I don't think that I am supposed to be there... I will admit that I thought about going anyway. This Sunday I am scheduled for a job at the church I attend, I asked around to see if someone else could do it but NO ONE was available. Perhaps God is protecting me.
At the request of Her Holiness, the diocese provided a list of questions for the congregation. I wonder if the people will have questions for the diocese... I know that I would. First and foremost would be "Why did you let this happen?" People tried to talk to you about the situation, people wrote you letters that went unanswered and called asking to speak to you but the calls went unreturned..Why?
There are times when I wish that I had followed a more traditional path to ordination. There are times when I want to be a parish priest.... then I remember that I have a tendency to tell people in authority the truth and I realize I wouldn't last in that system, or worse, I would go nuts trying. I am right where I belong... Thanks be to God.
I am grateful that I am ordained by a community that "gets me" and I am grateful that I attend a church that accepts me just as I am...
I do hope they will sell the stained glass windows I want to buy one of them...