Thursday, April 9, 2009


I've always thought that Judas was set up. According to the Gospel of John Jesus knew who was going to betray him didn't stop him. One can only assume that Jesus washed even Judas' feet, and if as some commentators say the hands and feet have to do with actions in the washing of Judas' feet was Jesus cleansing his actions? I really don't know I am not a scholar by any stretch of the imagination.
This was prompted by a sermon I heard earlier this week on Jesus betrayal and "satan" entering Judas. One of those sermons designed to make us think of how we may allow satan in our lives and how we may betray Jesus.
Judas betrayed Jesus for silver, I suspect Judas saw Jesus as the messiah as the one who would overthrow the romans, and having seen so many miracles might have thought Jesus would get out of it. Maybe he thought the silver could be used to further the cause.....
Here is my question. Has the "church" betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver? In our quest to fill to pews to pay the bills have we put more importance getting people in the church than making disciples, giving people the tools to follow the teachings of Jesus? What are our priorities? Do we follow Jesus or do we follow our desire to get bigger? Has "satan" entered the "church"? Have we sold our souls for high average sunday attendance? Do we read book after book and run to conference after conference to learn how to follow Jesus and in doing so help others ? Or do we do it to increase "pledge units" ?

1 comment:

Br. Jack+, LC said...

Great questions! I am close to a resounding 'YES!' But, perhaps, we don't want to 'broad brush' it too much? I would say that, some (even most) churches to this. I have seen it time and time again. I was part of a street ministry team that brought homeless people food (both physical and spiritual). We used to bus the people to church. Then, one day, the 'church' we attended bought a building to house the 'stinky' people. We left that establishment.

So, I agree in part. There are many (so-called) churches that have sold out for mammon. But others have not.

In the Grace of the Three in One,