I guess that I am posting on this blog only once a year...Yikes...
I'm thinking back 40 years ago. I was a young idealistic girl who believed in justice and peace. I had to memorize the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. I believed that All people were created equal, it didn't occur to me that it said "all men", and really meant all white land owners. I believed that they were talking about all people.
I was raised by a woman who lived in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, who divorced her alcoholic husband in the very early 60's. She was shunned by the Catholic Church, the church and faith that she loved that meant everything to her. She was left to raise two children alone, without child support earning minimum wage. She was denied the Sacraments of her church so was denied God support. I remember feeling less than because I didn't have a father. Life was chaotic at best I won't even say what it was at its worse...But I believed in justice and in freedom.
So 40 years ago I voted in my first election, the voting age had just been lowered to 18. Not only did I vote but I campaigned for George McGovern. He was the peoples candidate, I did believe that we could get Nixon out of office because he was a crook and didn't everyone see that? I went door to door in my mothers neighborhood, a trailer park in a small town in Oregon. Three years later I watched the Watergate hearings on TV. I guess they didn't see it. And I thought how can they not see that this man is egotistical and power hungry... compared to our current republican nominee he was stable and humble....
I was able to escape the trailer park. I am an RN I live in a lovely home in Northern California and have a wonderful daughter and husband. I am blessed beyond what I could have imagined 40 years ago.
Four years ago I watched as Obama was nominated. He wasn't my first choice, I am a Kucinich Democrat. I wanted a populist president not another corporate puppet. But I voted for him and while I haven't always been thrilled with his compromising with the republicans. I have wished, as the Governor of Ma. said that the "party would grow a backbone", I see how much has been accomplished in this time, and how important it is that we reelect President Obama. There is no viable alternative, and I believe that the man does care.
My daughter is voting this year in her first presidential election...She is in college, it takes more than 4 years to finish because of budget cuts. She works at a minimum wage job and dreams of a future away from home.
I have hope that she will be able to move into her dream just as I did, tonight Obama said; "Ours is a future filled with hope" I am reminded of a scripture from Jeremiah; "For surely I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope."
I am also reminded of a scripture which I consider my "life scripture" the words that I try to live by; "and what does God require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" I saw that on the wall of The First Unitarian Church of San Francisco many years ago and was stunned that something like that was in the bible. My experience with Christians had been intolerance bordering on evil...I am now a follower of Christ although I am sure many would disagree.
Sorry about the rant, just sick of the hatred coming from the mouths of those who claim to love God.
Good thoughts here. Great job, Renee+!
Good thoughts here. Great job, Renee+!
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