Thursday, July 9, 2009


Paranoia strikes deep
Into your heart it will seep
Starts when your always afraid
Step out of line the man comes and takes you away

So where did I leave off? I'm having a friend check all of the emails I send this priest. Is it because I am getting paranoid? I know that I was tired of having my head messed with, it was a pretty sad state of affairs.

I had the sound system installed and I was planning on taking the next Sunday off because it was my birthday. I showed her how to use it during the week. I was very clear that I wasn't going to church that Sunday. Bright and early that Sunday my phone rang. "The sound system didn't work" What doesn't work? I ask. "I can't get my Ipod to play" she says. I ask, "Is the cord plugged all the way in?" yes. "Is your Ipod muted?" No.. so I get up after 5 hours of sleep drive over to the church and the cord is not plugged in and her ipod is muted!!! I couldn't even speak to her, I felt so disrespected, so unappreciated, and so fricking angry.

I met with her the following week to tell her that I was resigning from the mission committee. During that meeting she told me that she was told by an assistant to the bishop that the bishop said that I had written him a letter that he was offended by.....last year, She went on and said "oh and by the way we are losing our grant at the end of this year. Did you know that" Yes I was there 18 months ago when the church was given a 2 year non-renewable grant. I just couldn't believe that she would put those two things in the same breath.

I have difficulty believing that a bishop would hold onto anger about an email for a year and not say anything to me.

When I returned from retreat, I knew I was leaving the church. When she called me, I didn't really want to talk to her but did call her back, and told her she could email me or call me when I could answer the phone which was not while I was working. She called again while I was at work, I couldn't answer. At that point I sent her an email telling her that if she wanted to meet with me she had to tell me what it was about and I would consider it. She called me the next day when I couldn't answer the phone and told me that I couldn't come to church because the bishop would be there and it would be awkward. If the bishop is so immature that he can't face someone who wrote him an email questioning something, then maybe he should get another job.

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