Saturday, July 4, 2009


There is something about being asked not to attend a church service that feels like the ultimate rejection. I knew that it was time to leave. I had made my decision a few days earlier while on retreat in upstate New York. I planned to do the 'jobs' I was scheduled to do during the month of June, ask to be taken off the rota for the summer and gradually fade into the sunset.

I wanted to tell the priest that she was being cruel by criticizing everything I did or said. I was a 'lay' volunteer in her church not only was she cruel but she had no right to criticize me, she wasn't my boss. I didn't need it anymore, my identity is not wrapped up in being a 'lay eucharistic minister' or the person who wrote the prayers, it was time to move on, to "shake the dust off my feet" as it was clear I wasn't wanted. But I didn't say anything because it didn't seem loving, it didn't seem like it would bring about justice, and nothing redemptive would come out of it. Fading into the sunset seemed to be the compassionate thing to do. The day after I got home, I received a voiced demanding a meeting. When I insisted she tell me why, and ask that she call me when I could answer the phone. The next day a voice mail asking me not to attend that coming sunday.

It didn't start recently. I should have listened to my gut feeling when I first started attending four and one half years ago, but I didn't. The story, which I want to tell for myself to get some closure, will take several more posts.


Rev. Richard Thornburgh said...

I am appalled at this treatment, whatever the backgound.

Move on. Leave the pain behind. Tread the path now being laid out for you.

motheramelia said...

I agree with SR. Use this as an opportunity to move on sooner than you planned. No one should be treated this way.

Ellie Finlay said...


Never in my life have I ever heard of being asked not to attend a service. That simply boggles my mind. I am horrified.

Yes, shake the dust off your feet.

I'm so, so sorry this has happened to you. As a life-long Episcopalian, I apologize to you deeply, sincerely.

pax58 said...

I picked this up from MP's blog. Though I don't know you, your style and mine are very similiar. I can't tell you how many times I have dealt with a bully by just fadding away. You do what you think is best. But I would suggest before you walk away, send a letter to the vestry and the bishop. Be assertive, not agressive, and have a trusted friend check the letter before it is sent (none of us can be expected to be totally objective when we are hurting). If this priest is bulling you, trust me, there are others getting bullied as well. Even if nothing comes of this, you have put her on notice. The next time someone complains, someone will have to listen.
You are in my thoughts and prayers,
grace and peace,
Tim Lusk
Tucson, AZ USA

Bible Truth Seekers said...

I've started a blog trying to unite people in every state that have left the Word of Faith teaching and are looking for other people in their area/state/region to be able to develop a support group. Check it out at . We left the Word of Faith teaching about 18 months ago (after listening to it for over a decade). It's a very dangerous cult. Thank you so much for sharing info. on this website! It's so helpful!

Renee said...

Thanks, all of you, for the prayers. It is such a blessing to have you praying for me! Thanks for the comments as well, it is helpful to hear from different people.

Lauralew said...

Thanks for popping over to my blog. I am stunned by your treatment, and agree with Tim on how to handle it. One of my friends was run off from an Episcopal church, and I left one last year as I was bullied by another member of the vestry to the point of being very afraid; the rector was new and didn't know who was telling the truth. I just left.

Unfortunately, this happens much more than you would think. Praying for you as well.

Br. Jack+, LC said...

I'm afraid that I'm in a similar boat. Since I have told my rector that I will be seeking ordination through the Lindisfarne Community, he wants to meet with me to determine what duties I can still perform.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

In the Grace of the Three in One,